- The Institute of Sustainable Project Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation is a registered online and part-time institute with an objective to promote excellence and sustainability in professional project management, training, monitoring, and evaluation. It is registered under the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development (Vocational Training Act, 1978 in terms of subsection (2) of section 27 of the Act)
- ISPPME started operating in Zimbabwe (2019). The Institute promotes professionalism by establishing appropriate qualifications, defining codes of conduct, promoting research, increase knowledge of total quality management for projects and training management to produce sustainable projects that long live and assist the economy, societies and liaising with relevant authorities with regards to professional sustainable project policies and practices.
- The Institute offers educational programmes of preparatory professional education by correspondence, in the fields of project management, training management, monitoring and evaluation. A Diploma (Undergraduate & Postgraduate) takes approximately 12 months of part-time study. At Certificate level the course takes 6 months to complete part-time study. After completing the course assignments, students shall attend virtual tutorials before online exams as scheduled by Administration. After successful completion of a series of assignments and three-hour examinations, candidates receive ISPPME certificates and Diplomas respectively. Diploma (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) students must not only pass their modules of study, but also successfully complete a dissertation by research.
- The Institute seeks to promote GoDigital innovation and improve knowledge of skill in professional project management and use of sustainable tools through online and distance learning (Google Classroom, Google Meet and Learning Management System). The Online Examination platform is powered by World Assessment Council (WAC).
- Moreover, ISPPME enables students to produce sustainable projects that live long and assist the economy. The institute provides the shared blueprint for amity and prosperity for people now and in the future through pursuing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015.
- The programmes we offer also play a crucial role towards realisation of Zimbabwe’s 2030 vision of becoming upper middle-income economy. The institute recognizes the end of poverty and other deprivations through strategies that reduce inequality and spur economic growth.
- ISPPME also offers annual conferences for the purpose of continuing professional education, to refresh skills and update people on developments in the field of project management. The Annual National Convention is the most important event in the Institute's efforts to ensure the continuing professional development of its members.