Programmes Available
1.Certificate in Sustainable Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation - 6 months
2.Diploma in Sustainable Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation - 12 months
3.Post-Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation - 12 months
NB: Application Fee is $10.00 USD for Local Students, and $20.00 USD for International Students. It is not repayable or returnable in any circumstances (NONE-REFUNDABLE!)
Fees Structure
Click here to view fees structure.
Banking Details: Foreign Currency (US$)
Bank Name: Steward Bank
Account Number: 1036970401
Name: Institute of Sustainable Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (ISPPME)
Branch: Gweru
Banking Details: Local Currency (ZWL$)
Bank Name: Steward Bank
Account Number: 1036970328
Name: Institute of Sustainable Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (ISPPME)
Branch: Gweru
Online Payments: Paynow
Click here to pay online (pay with Visa Card, Mastercard, ecocash, telecash, onemoney etc)
Apply now and relax! For more information email us: info@isppme.com,
Call or WhatsApp: +263 778 816 135/ Tel: 054 222 2890