Membership Schemes
ISPPME provides membership custom-made to match your level of skill and experience. Whether you are just starting your career or have been working in project management for some time, there is a level of membership to suit you. ISPPME Membership is valid and renewable annually. There are three membership schemes outlined below:

This scheme designated for those organizations wishing to raise their level of development through participating in activities that are going to unfold in our Institute. Corporate members can be private companies, public companies, Parastatals, mines, Government departments with at least 10 employees who are eligible and take up membership benefits regardless of scheme. Corporate members demonstrate their commitment to the project management profession by signing the professional code of ethics for their members and professional members and participate actively in ISPPME programs and events of sustainable professional career development for their members.
The distinct benefits of corporate membership are as follows:
• Will be entitled to bring two banners and promotional brochures at all ISPPME functions and events free of charge.
• Will be honored a Corporate Membership certificate for display at your organization.
• Will be entitled to one (1) copy of the Project Sustainability Magazine free of charge and a 3% discount on any advert placed therein.
• Members will get a chance to grace our graduation ceremony.
• A networking platform with other Project Managers.
• Being part of a professional body that promotes Project Management excellence and professionalism to the highest level.
• The on-going support of major players in industry and commerce as well as the Zimbabwe government.
• Inter-society agreements with a range of local and international professional bodies.
• You will also be entitled to copies of monthly Project Management journals free of charge.
• At the discretion, of the editor, you are also entitled to contribute, worthy articles in ISPPME Journals.

Has been a full member of the Institute continuously for an unbroken period of eight years; or an aggregate period of ten years;
Holds at least a Diploma in Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation or relevant higher qualification from an institute recognized by the Institute.
Holds a Diploma or Higher qualification in Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation from an institute recognized by the Council.
Individual membership benefits include, among others:
• Networking across all sectors with other Project Management professionals
• Membership cards and certificates renewable annually.
• Participating In shaping Project Management in Zimbabwe and Worldwide.
• Regular countrywide meetings and workshops.
• Social activities such as golf days
• A voice at the ISPPME training seminars.
• Regular publications: ISPPME Journals and contributions.
• ISPPME branded regalia such as T-shirt, cap, bag
• Members will get a chance to be part of the advisory board of the ISPPME and they are entitled to a 2% fee discount when undertaking our programs.
• Will be invited for ISPPME at a subsidized fee in sundry functions such as workshops, women’s desk, graduation ceremony and other activities.

The primary scheme refers to the prospective student who wants to take a learning journey with our institute for the first time.
Under this scheme, a member is ought to:
• Pay the Joining Fee
• Apply to enroll as a student and non-students cannot apply for this scheme
Members under this scheme will attain the following benefits:
• Will get a chance to participate in workshops, sports, trips and other activities that will be engaged by the institute.
• Fees discount by 3% when undertaking our programs
Terms and conditions
• Apply for membership of the Institute of Sustainable Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Forms are available from the ISPPME offices in Gweru and our branches & can download it from the website.
• There is no refund if a member decides to leave membership,
• There is no refund if the member would not participate in any events.
• There is no refund if the member would not be appointed on any post that will arise since being a member does not approve for an automatic placement for a post
• Membership commences after the premium is paid
• After completing a waiting period, a member will be given a membership certificate and a card.
To register you download our application form and fill up all the space provided. You can either download it fill up and send it back on email as a scanned document or come to our Head Office at 211 Philip Road, Brakenhurst, Gweru with attached copies stated on the application form.