Application Fee for all Short Courses is USD$10
The Institute of Sustainable Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation (ISPPME) is offering short courses and trainings in the following Professional qualifications:
Geographical Information Systems
Duration: 1 week Mode of Learning: Physical
Course Outline:
• Coordinates and coordinate system
• Map projection
• Global Positioning Systems
• Conceptual models of geographic space
• Application of GIS and Remote Sense training
• Tailor made training for individuals and organization as per requested
• Geo referencing and spatial data capture
• Image acquisition and structure
• Image interpretation
Events Management
Duration: 1 week Mode of Learning: Physical/Online
Event management is a multi-million-dollar industry which is growing at the rate of 150% per annum with events being hosted almost daily. So, making a career in event management is a good choice to promote professionalism in the industry. Organizing a perfectly synchronized, well planned, well conducted and memorable event, requires the supervision and services of well trained and experienced event professionals. Therefore, event management companies are always on a look out for event professionals.
Data Analytical Software
Duration: 2 Days Mode of Learning: Physical
Statistical packages offered include:
Project Finance and Risk Management
Duration: 1 week Mode of Learning: Online
Course outline:
• Understand the meaning of Project Financing
• Focus of project financing.
• Grasp classical Vs the contemporary understanding of project financing.
• Understand development of the project finance thought.
• Understand Features of Project finance.
• Understand Project Finance versus other forms of public financing
Resource Mobilization
Duration: 1 week Mode of Learning: Online
The course was tailor made for project management expects, project finance professionals, project resource mobilisation consultants, project accountants, finance professionals , students etc to be well versed with modern day project resource mobilisation skills and knowledge.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Duration: 1 week Mode of Learning: Online
Course outline:
• Explain the meaning of Environment, ecology and ecosystem as applied in project planning and management.
• Describe the role of Environmental Impact Assessment within projects in Zimbabwe (your country).
• Underline the historical development of environmental education
• Explain the relationship between environment, development and population growth
• State the socio-economic benefits of environmental conservation and issues of global
Monitoring and Evaluation
Duration: 5 days Mode of Learning: Online
Software Package: Survey123
Course outline:
• Define the terms Project Monitoring and Evaluation.
• Understand the fundamental principles monitoring and evaluation principles
• Understand formative and summative basis for evaluation including the typology of evaluation
• Establish the various theories associated with monitoring and evaluation
• Establish the various approaches associated with monitoring and evaluation
• To establish how these theories and approaches work in practical situations
• Layout project designs to the interested stakeholders
• Provide guidelines for M & E value chain project
• Differentiate value chain project and traditional for M & E
• Determine potential clients of the M & E System
• Understand the overall project goal and purpose
Disaster Management
Duration: 1 week Mode of Learning: Online
A disaster management course is a professional qualification that trains people in various aspects of disaster management, including planning, mitigation, response, and recovery. The course covers different types of disasters, such as natural and man-made, and the role of different agencies and levels. The course also includes practical subjects, such as logistics, risk mitigation, and the use of equipment. The course can be useful for various professionals, such as government officials, NGOs, paramilitary personnel, home guards, and emergency managers. The course can also help people work in different settings and sectors, such as drought management, fire, law enforcement, relief, insurance, and high-risk industries The course can help people protect those in need and reduce the impact of disasters.
For more updates about our short courses and trainings, WhatsApp/Call us on