The women’s Desk is a gender mainstreaming experience in public policy. In addition, the project is an example of a process by which local institutions and services have appropriated gender mainstreaming, method in economic integration policies.
Women’s desk aims to be a space for consultation and coordination between the various local services in the oriental region in order to improve the services provided for the women beneficiaries.
As ISPPME will provide a range of services, starting with comprehensive care for women in precarious, situation, listening to them on their problems and needs, providing them with information and referring them to either the relevant local services in case of legal, health, socio-cultural, educational problems or to the appropriate services for job-seeking, projects engagement and socio-professional integration
The Project Seeks the active involvement of Women in local development, through:
Improved access for women to local services in the region by providing them with information relating to all existing services, provided by both public services and associations.
The collection of data and information and production and dissemination of the analysis studies research, surveys, and statistics on the situation of women in the various provinces and municipalities in the region.
By implementation of a network of local services to improve the quality of life of women in the oriental region